Journey from Zanskar

  • Genres: Documentary
  • Country: USA
  • Language: Hindi (English subtitles) | Tibetan (English subtitles) | English
  • Release Date: 11 February 2010 (USA)
  • Also Known As: La Traversée du Zanskar
  • Runtime: USA: 90 min
  • Sound Mix: Stereo
  • Color
  • Official Site:

The Filmmaker

Frederick Marx is an internationally acclaimed, Oscar and Emmy nominated producer/director with 25 years in the film business. He was named a Chicago Tribune Artist of the Year for 1994, a 1995 Guggenheim Fellow, and a recipient of a Robert F. Kennedy Special Achievement Award. His film HOOP DREAMS played in hundreds of theatres nationwide after winning the Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival and was the first documentary ever chosen to close the New York Film Festival.

Filmmaker Alan Berliner
  • The Screening Room
  • Fox Theatre
  • Crossroads Cinema
  • Hotel Congress
  • Art Institute




The Screening Room

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Fox Theatre

Construction began on what was to be called the Tower Theatre at Congress and Stone on August 24, 1929. The theatre was to be the crown jewel in the Diamos Brothers’ Lyric Amusement chain of theatres throughout Southern Arizona. By late September of the same year, the Fox West Coast Theatre chain had acquired the property along with the others in the Lyric chain, and the Tower became the Fox. Originally budgeted at $200,000, the theatre would eventually cost $300,000 including furnishings. Designed as a dual vaudeville/movie house, the Fox featured a stage, full fly-loft, and dressing rooms beneath the stage. The combined effects of "talkies" and the Depression limited the opportunities for live performance, and the dressing rooms were never completed.

Opening night, April 11, 1930, proved to be the biggest party the small community of Tucson had ever seen. With Congress Street closed and waxed for dancing, four live bands, a live radio broadcast and free trolley rides Downtown, the party was one not to be missed.Those lucky enough to have bought tickets in advance—3,000 or so people—enjoyed the show inside as well as out. The film "Chasing Rainbows," a MovieTone short, and a Mickey Mouse cartoon were well received by both audiences that evening, and the Fox Theatre began its 40­year life as the center of Tucson’s entertainment world.

Competition from other venues, drive-ins and television conspired to end the run of popularity the Fox had enjoyed. Partial remodels of the theatre left it with most of its original charm, but vanishing retail and housing Downtown spelled the end in 1974. Various efforts to revive the theatre were unsuccessful, but luckily the property was spared the wrecking ball. Hidden from the view of the public for more than 26 years, the grand theatre was never forgotten by its former patrons. It lives in their memories, awaiting a time when Tucson will embrace their history and bring back the Fox.

The Fox Tucson Theatre Foundation was incorporated in July of 1999 and was formed for the express purpose of returning the theatre to the community. The Foundation is an Arizona 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed out of the citizen’s group known as the Fox Theatre Revival Committee, which began looking at ways to save the theatre in 1997. This group was composed of people who wanted to see the theatre restored, and re-opened. The stated mission of the Foundation is the purchase, restoration, renovation, and operation of the historic Fox Tucson Theatre, located at 17 West Congress, in downtown Tucson, Arizona. The Foundation is guided by a professional staff and is overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors. For further information on the theatre, contact the Foundation office at 520-624-1515.





Crossroads Grand Cinema

Tucson's only locally owned discount theatre. We cater to you. We began operations in 1998 and currently run six screen theatres at the Crossroads (Grant and Swan) and the Oracle View (in the old Galleria on Oracle Road just north of the Tucson Mall).

For about $10 we offer a family of four the same price for a movie that you might pay at the big theatre for one person. Plus, we offer special discount days and memberships to our Red Carpet Club that offer you discounts everyday of the year.

Our website is and we emphasis value. Clean theatres, 35 foot screens, Dolby surround sound, great service and only for a fraction of the price you would pay at Century Theatres or AMC.

We hope you will visit one of our locations and share your experience with us. We can only improve and make it the movie theatre you want to go with your help.






Hotel Congress

Located in the heart of sunny, downtown Tucson, Arizona, where summer spends the winter, the Hotel Congress is at the hub of Tucson history and nightlife. We pride ourselves on the many unique features we offer that you’d be hard pressed to find elsewhere. Some cynical city slicker types might notice the absence of a television in any of our 40 rooms and feel slighted. But it’s intentional – we strive to maintain the Hotel’s original ambiance – from the iron bed to the vintage radio, from the comforting rumble of the nearby iron horse to the retro-style phone that actually connects to a switchboard at the front desk. And, unlike most historic hotels, all rooms have private bathrooms. Our friendly front desk staff is here to assist you 24 hours a day, so if you have any questions just holler!
Rooms 226-230 are now pet-friendly for you and your pet to enjoy!

The Cup Cafe

The Cup also proudly features impeccable homemade desserts, baked in-house, as well as a comfortable outdoor patio, full-service bar, smart signature cocktails and intriguing wine selections. The Cup:
7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Reservations recommended: 520.798.1618.

The Copper Hall

The Copper Hall is the premier event facility at the Hotel Congress. It combines modern flare with classic elegance. From holiday parties, to mixers, to weddings, we are more than happy to help organize your next event. Other locations at Hotel Congress and Maynards Market and Kitchen are available as well. Please inquire for more information. Weddings
The Copper Hall is the perfect location for wedding ceremonies and receptions, combining classic elegance with a downtown vibe. The room is the ideal size for an intimate affair amongst friends and family. Dance the night away beneath wrought iron chandeliers as the copper walls glow. Conference Dinners
Welcome your conference guests to town with dinner in one of Tucson’s landmarks. We can provide it all- gourmet meals, bar service and a built in speaker system. Holiday Parties
Celebrate your holidays with Hotel Congress! The Copper Hall can host your business or family holiday party and take the stress of hosting off of you.







Art Institute-Tucson

Your creativity has the power to transform, improve, and revolutionize—because there are now more opportunities for creative professionals than ever before. Whether you dream of creating tomorrow’s designs, media, fashions, or cuisines, The Art Institute of Tucson can help you turn your talent and energy into a career that lets you shape the future.

We offer a range of degree programs, including:

Advertising | Graphic Design | Interior Design

Digital Filmmaking & Video Production | Digital Photography | Media Arts & Animation | Web Design & Interactive Media

Fashion Design | Fashion Marketing

Baking & Pastry | Culinary Arts


Here you can:

* Learn in a stimulating, collaborative environment that shares your energy
* Work with faculty and staff who will inspire and mentor you
* Gain experience using professional-grade technology
* Get assistance from our nationwide network of Career Services staff

Technology has forever changed how we communicate. And it continues to evolve and impact our daily lives. The constant is the need for people like you who have vision, talent, and a desire to develop and work with technology to improve lives. With a degree from one of our media arts programs, we can help you get there. Consumers continue to demand the latest technologies – whether it is a new smartphone or an app to run on that phone, 3D movies or 3D televisions, social media websites or new ways to shop online. Clearly there are opportunities for professionals to meet those demands. With a media arts degree, you could be on your way to becoming one of those professionals.

At an Art Institutes school, your technical savvy and creativity will be further developed through a quality, focused media arts education in an environment filled with like-minded peers. Whether you are drawn to animation, recording arts, special effects, or web design, you can find the right program fit at an Art Institutes school. Learn more about our media arts degree and non-degree programs.